Ascension Rollerball

from CA$29.99

Our handcrafted Ascension Rollerballs assist in opening and rebalancing blocked chakras that have become blocked by stress and trauma. When our energy flows freely through our mind and bodies, we are connected with our true essence and move more effortlessly throughout our day. Our 7 Ascension Rollerballs:

• has a cleansing / energizing effect on the chakras

• Helps to diminish blockages in the meridians

• Has a calming effect on the central nervous system

• Helps to transmute lower vibrational energies

• Improves guidance from the soul


Our most potent and powerful blend of essential oils, known to help ground and have you feeling more stable and secure. The red jasper stone used in this blend protects your energy system from negative influences, connects you to the earth, and rectifies unjust situations. It can also inspire a positive attitude, increase motivation, and transforms ideas into action. The Trust Rollerball is blended with helichrysum, rose geranium, patchouli, jasmine, sweet orange, bergamot, copaiba, frankincense, lavender, vetiver all imbued in fractionated coconut oil. These balancing and stabilizing ingredients and the red jasper stone of health, cleanses the aura and aligns the root chakra, as well as strengthens and detoxifies the body. Using this Root Chakra blend will have you feeling more stable, secure and grounded in your life.

Apply to sacrum (base of spine), bottom of feet and back of neck. Helps ground and center your mind and feel secure.


Carnelian gemstone which is the foundation of this blend, stimulates and balances the Sacral Chakra, the center of sexuality, creativity, and emotions. This gemstone alongside the balancing and stabilizing ingredients of fractionated coconut oil, rose geranium, patchouli, orange, ylang ylang and clary sage enhance personal power, courage, vitality, and compassion. This blend also encourages blood flow, digestion and detoxification.


The Empowered Rollerball combines the power of balancing and stabilizing essential oils of lemongrass, lemon, bergamot, vetiver and frankincense that are infused in fractionated coconut oil together with citrine crystal to enhance personal power, promotes emotional balance and boosts physical energy. Apply to chest and stomach area to take control and feel more spiritually and physically at ease and boost your self-confidence.


The Unconditional Rollerball is blended with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, rose geranium, tangerine, ylang ylang, neroli, frankincense and green aventurine. This blend when applied to the chest area stimulates and enhances the quality of the heart chakra by balancing and aligning it to bring a sense of calm and inner peace.


Amazonite is a Throat Chakra stone that encourages speaking your truth with clarity and confidence. Essential oils of lavender, tea tree, geranium, frankincense imbued in jojoba oil helps in healing unhealthy communication patterns assists you in having difficult conversations with ease. Apply to base of throat and pulse points.


Oils chosen for spiritual awareness, intuition and calming the mind, the Seer Rollerball will assist in balancing the Third Eye Chakra. The Amethyst gemstone of this blend that is united with essential oils of rosemary, juniper, clary sage and jasmine will awaken the soul and enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. Apply to base of throat and pulse points.


Open and connect to the Universe through the Divine Rollerball. This blend assists in balancing and clearing the path of connection to the higher power. Use the Divine Rollerball in meditation, energy healing and breathing exercises to amplify vibrations, clear away negative energy and promote healing. When applied to the head, essentials oils of Bergamot, Frankincense, helichrysum, sweet orange, neroli, rose geranium, white thyme and properties of the clear quartz crystal will have you tapping into your intuition and becoming more spiritually aware.

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