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The thyroid gland is a vital gland in the endocrine system. This gland not only acts as the body’s thermostat but is one of the major controllers of metabolism. Subtle changes in the homeostasis of the thyroid can result in a variety of symptoms. If the gland is functioning too low conditions such as weight gain, hair loss, low energy, depression, and cold intolerance may result. Nutritional support with nutrients and herbs can assist in regulating thyroid function. L-tyrosine is a major component in thyroid hormones and is included in significant quantities in Thyro-Set. Minerals such as zinc, iodine, and selenium are also essential to healthy thyroid function as they are required for the intracellular conversion of T4 to T3. In addition, selenium is required in the transport of thyroxin into the cell. Ayurvedic adaptogen Ashwagandha may enhance serum T4 concentration. C. forskohliiroots contain forskolin, a compound that belongs to the chemical class of diterpenes. Coleus aids thyroid function by increasing thyroid hormone production and release. 60 caps.

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